ABOUT US | Management


Mr. UM Piseth started his career with FUTABA Microfinance Plc., as Head of Credit Department in late 2015, then he was promoted to be an ACEO in July, 2016. He is now in charge of three departments, Credit Department, Marketing Department, and Operation Department. In the background, he obtained Bachelor Degree in the field of General Management from Royal University of Law and Economics, and held Diploma of Intensive English Academic of Purpose from Paññasastra University of Cambodia. He has attended numerous Training Courses, Workshops and conferences, which was related to Property Development Sector, and Banking & Microfinance Sectors as well. He has spent over 16 years of practical experience in Various Positions in Microfinances such as Branch Officer, Branch Manager, Regional Manager, Operation Manager, Head of Marketing & Communication Department, Credit Manager, and Head of Credit Department. He also used to work with Telecom Companies for over 3 years. On 29th Nov 2023, Mr. UM Piseth has been promoted to Chief Executive Officer.  


Mr. PREAP Kandoeng earned Master Degree of Business specialize in Finance from Charles Sturt University, Australia, and Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, specialize in Accounting at National University of Management. He has years of working experiences at all corporate levels, educational background and continuous professional development. Before joining FUTABA, he had many years of experience in the field of Accounting Management, Accounting Technical Advisor, Banking and Finance Management and Head of Finance Department position of other MFI. He joined FUTABA Microfinance PLC., as Head of Finance Department in 2015. Then, he was promoted as ACEO, in charge mainly of difference types of departments including Finance Department, IT Department, and HR & Administration Department, starting from 01 July, 2016. On 29th Nov 2023, Mr. Kandoeng PREAP has been promoted to Deputy Chief Executive Officer.



Mr. KUNG Sarath, Cambodian, graduated with his Master’s degree in Management in 2011 included two other major fields, Information Technology and English Literature. In professional background, he was an IT Manager who handled and led IT Department Division in one among the largest commercial bank in Cambodia. He gained hands-on experience in Core - Banking System, Card System, and SWIFT System with various kinds of Technical Skills such as defining system work flow and process, secured banking network  infrastructure, and policy maker. In early 2016, he joined FUTABA Microfinance Plc., as Deputy Head of IT, and six months later he was promoted to be Head of IT. He has initiated and set up Network Infrastructure for Production and DR Data Centre site, and IT Policy as well as IS Policy for FUTABA Microfinance Plc., since first established. He got over 10-year experience in Banking and Financial Sector.



Mr. SAR Phearom was jointed as Deputy Head of Risk. Legal & Compliance of FUTABA in September 2017. Before joining FUTABA, he worked in Chamroeun MFI in the last position as Head of Risk and Legal Compliance and started with Chamroeun in many positions from Loan Officer in February 2009 and became Internal Audit Officer in February 2010. He was later promoted to Branch Manager in November 2010 and Senior Compliance Officer in June 2012. And then he was promoted to Legal and Compliance Manager in June 2013 and Head of Legal Department in January 2015 then in charge of Head of Risk & Legal Compliance. He has almost 1 year - experience with Feeling Home Hotel as Front Officer and more than 4 year - experiences with World Vision at District as Volunteer. He obtained his Master Degree majoring in Master in Private Law from the Royal University of Law and Economics  and holds a Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Financial from Human Resources University. Within his roles and duties, He has spent experiences over 9 years in various position in Banking and   Financial Institution sector.


Currently, Mr. YAT Bunchea joined FUTABA Microfinance institution Plc as a Head of Credit Department. Prior to his career at Futaba Microfinance Plc, he held many positions in financial industry such as: Credit Officer, Senior Credit Officer, Credit Manager, Branch Manager, Provincial Manager, Operation Manager and General Manager. He had many experiences over 25 years with Local NGOs and MFIs sector. He has participated working with UNTAC as Interpreter and observer of 1993 election. He used to work as a High School Teacher in Science Subject and English Language.

He obtained Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administrative, majoring in General Management at Build Bright University in 2009. He has participated many trainings and short courses as well as with CMA and other financial sectors training, especially; he has participated the training courses in Credit Unions Management organized by Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU) and Credit Union League of Thailand Limited (CULT) in Thailand.

Mr. KORN VICHITH was Born on March 4, 1976, He graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance from Build Bright University in 2008. In 1995, he first joined a private bank in Phnom Penh as a bank employee and he was promoted the position subsequently and the last he was the assistant to the head of finance department. In 2009, he moved to work with the Korean Investment Microfinance Institution as a manager of the accounting and finance department. Then, in 2018, he moved to take part in one microfinance institution that is a Cambodian shareholder. there, he was the manager of the finance department, and then until 2021 he was promoted as deputy general manager. He organized and managed the day-to-day operations of all departments of the institution. Mr. KORN VICHITH has attended many training courses related to the banking and microfinance sector such as Cambodian Microfinance Association, Credit Bureau Cambodia, National Bank of Cambodia, National Tax School, during 2022 He attended in 6 months training course on CIFRS for SMEs at CamEd Business School, other relevant ministries and also participation in the other seminars. until now He has spent more than 20 years with his career in banking and microfinance sector.  At the beginning of December 2023 He, recently, moved to work with Futaba Microfinance Plc., which has the role of Head of Finance Department.