
Job Title Location Closing Date
មន្ត្រីឥណទាន សាខាខណ្ឌព្រែកព្នៅ ៣១ ធ្នូ ២០២៤
មន្រ្តីឥណទានជាន់ខ្ពស់ សាខាខណ្ឌព្រែកព្នៅ ៣១ ធ្នូ ២០២៤

How to apply for a job?

Candidates who are interested to work with FUTABA Microfinance Plc, please submit your CV, Cover Lettter, 4x6 photo, family book copy, and other identification or via mail to info@futabamfi.com.kh or hr@futabamfi.com.kh